Thank you letters

This is something that I got from Marshall Goldsmith's 'What got you here, won't get you there!' (great book btw)

The ritual is pretty simple, every new year I write emails to thank people who inspired me, helped me, guided me, made me smile...simple things like that. I just write a brief mail thanking them, how they made me feel or help me get through the situation I was going through.

As simple as that. Honestly I don't expect a huge thank you reply or acknowledgment when we meet personally. Doing this just makes me happy.

If there is one thing I noted from my little time here in this world is that, we could have a little more gratitude, humility and empathy.

Thanking someone is not rocket science. I hope more people start doing it. What I aim for is it make the person who receives the mail feel special. Sending it on a new year is cherry on the top.

This is a ritual that I want to keep on doing. I also want to switch to physical letters. Maybe I will try it.

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